Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile

Pages 179 - 292
Julio - Septiembre 1984

Restricted suckling in spring born calves: Effects on the calf and the cow
Authors: Marisol González Y., Ljubo Goic M. y Luis Castro L.
Pages 179-183 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Description of the natural pastures in Continental Magallanes. I. Coverage percentage and botanical composition
Authors: Luis Soto K.
Pages 185-193 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Description of the natural pastures in Continental Magallanes. II. sociological characteristics
Authors: Luis Soto K.
Pages 195-198 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Evaluation of a beef cattle and a sheep production system in the Ñuble Andean foothills. I. Primary and secondary production
Authors: Ignacio Ruiz N., Germán Klee G., Patricio Soto O., Amarilis Ulloa N.
Pages 199-209 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Evaluation of a beef cattle and a sheep production system in the Ñuble Andean foot-hills. II. Economic analysis
Authors: Germán Klee G., Ignacio Ruiz N., Nora Aedo M., Patricio Soto O., Amarilis UlIoa N.
Pages 211-215 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
lmprovement of the subhumid Mediterranean natural dryland pasture through fertilization and time of grazing
Authors: Julia Avendaño R., Carlos Ovalle M.
Pages 217-227 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Chemical characterization of the Aconcagua River
Authors: Sergio P. González M.
Pages 229-235 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Frequency and intensity of utilization of a sorghum x sudangrass hybrid on rice soils. Ñuble, VIII Region
Authors: Patricio Soto O., Marcos Figueroa R., Claudio Martínez R.
Pages 237-243 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Study of annual weeds and morning glory (Convolvulus arvensis L.) control alternatives in unirrigated vineyards
Authors: Arturo Lavín A., Marcelo Kogan A.
Pages 245-251 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Identification of fungi causing root rot in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Authors: Mario Alvarez A., Aída Moreno P.
Pages 253-258 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
A milk production system with spring calving for the Southern Zone of Chile
Authors: Ljubo Goic M., Juan C. Dumont L.
Pages 259-262 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Weed population dynamics in a wheat-weeds system. Valdivia, Chile
Authors: Patricio Montaldo B., Flor Alvarado B.
Pages 263-268 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Wheat rusts, a challenge to Science, given the world population growth
Authors: Ernesto Hacke E.
Pages 269-273 | Abstract | Resumen | Texto en español PDF | |
Effect of rusts on yield and test weight of wheat in two 1982 regional trials at La Platina Exp. Sta.
Authors: René Cortázar S.
Pages: 275-280 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Fungicide Rubigan (EL-222) effect on apples shape. VII Region, Chile
Authors: Adriana Pinto de T., Iris Carreño I.
Pages: 281-282 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Purification and identification of a Chilean isolate of BYDV by E LISA
Authors: Guido Herrera M.
Pages: 283-286 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Determination of non ionic chlorinated pesticides in non fatty foods by entrainment distillation and recycling isooctane (MAVRI)
Authors: Claudio Ciudad B., SteIla Moyano A.
Pages: 287-290 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |
Chemical composition and nutritional characteristics of the cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) as a feed for Iivestock
Authors: Claudio Wernli K., Ignacio Tamés E.
Pages: 291-292 | Abstract | Texto en español PDF | |